Cougars meets Jeff Scurran

Cougars meets Jeff Scurran

Der Ex-Quarterback der Florida Gators, Jeff Scurran, hat Lübeck besucht und mit den Cougars eine Coaches Clinic veranstaltet. Die Themen: "Grundsätze des Coaching" und "Aufbau eines Football-Programms". Rund 25 "Berglöwen" aus allen Teams nahmen teil. Die einhellige Meinung: "Dieser Abend hat uns weiter gebracht". Insgesamt knapp fünf Stunden referierte Scurran, diskutierte mit den Cougars-Trainern und tauschte Gedanken aus.

Jeff Scurran zu der Clinic: "Last Friday's Clinic for the Lubeck Cougars was a lot of fun for me and I do a lot of clinics. I have never been around a coaches who both love football and truly get along with each other. The coaches were completely engaged for over 4 hours and they had some excellent questions that showed me that their knowledge of football is very good. I was able to teach sound fundamentals, some sound principals of coaching, and the development of athletes. Mostly, I found a new group of friends. These men treated me like a part of their coaching family and I will never forget them.

Both my wife and I loved the city of Lubeck; its wonderful buildings, the great food and drink, its unique history in the Hanseatic League, but mostly the people that we met. Our host, Max Gross, was wonderful and his dedication to improving football in Lubeck is wonderful to see. We will never forget our new friends from Lubeck."

Jeff Scurran
Bigger Faster Stronger Director of International RelationsHead Coach,
Global Bowl-Team Stars and Stripes USA

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